Though the title of this post is admittedly the most cryptic so far, this blog post actually marks a significant project announcement. The project will be broadcast live (in a sense) through a series of blogposts revealing my progress. Make sure you're subscribed so you can follow along in the unfolding journey that is: The First Nations Version of the Book of Mormon (name not official or final).
A few months ago I preordered and obtained a beautiful version of the New Testament called the First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament, also called the FNV. It's not really a "translation" from any manuscripts as much as it is a reinterpretation, or version, of the English text into a form of English typically spoken by the storytelling natives of North America. It reads beautifully and phrases some passages in very awe-inspiring ways. When I read it, I was struck by how the Book of Mormon—a record of actual Native American Israelites—needed to be told in this way too.
The goal of my project is to create a reinterpretation, or new version, of the Book of Mormon text in this same style. As my guide I am relying principally on the FNV and how it has rendered certain phrases and key words. I am also gauging the artistic liberty that the FNV takes as an artform to apply to the Book of Mormon, beautifying the narrative while being true to every chapter and verse.
As I complete a few verses here and there, I will post them under the title format following this post: BOM FNV: Book Chapter (Verse[s]). What will the end of this project bring? I don't know myself, but I would love to hold a published copy in my hand someday. For now, we'll see what comes of it one post at a time. Won't you join me for a scriptural thought or two after the manner of the native wisdom keepers?
First verses will be posted tomorrow.